
This network aims at integrating the acquired cross disciplinary input from high quality, standardized MDS trials as well as from new molecular knowledge in order to translate them into an improvement in patients’ treatment. To perform this on an European platform requires a network of epidemiologists, molecular scientists and clinicians with the aim of forming an epidemiological and clinical database, to identify novel genes and protein profiles, to develop new treatment modalities targeting the molecular defects of MDS. This Network will harmonize protocol standards, adopt new therapists and trial groups and spread excellence through communication and education. Using the European MDS Network molecular methods are standardized and used for development of guidelines for therapeutic interventions based on validated prognostic European models.

The collaborators of this network will establish a common platform with explicit communication and information structures amongst the investigators at the epidemiological registries, the molecular biology laboratories, and the clinical trial groups. This platform will communicate and decide about diagnostic standards, prognostic tools, new molecular targets for new treatment modalities, and elaborate common guidelines for various treatment approaches.
